The sloop Mystic in the morning light at Dutch Island Harbor. We watched several of the crew members high in the yardarms working on the sails which somehow got tangled on the masts. They looked like a high flying circus acrobatic team as they perched themselves high in the rigging. What an interesting summer job for the crew!!! They also took their
passengers ( about 20) out in the ships dingies to see what was happening on the shore. I think the crew needed a "shore leave" after the work high in the yardarms!!!

The old abandoned Dutch Island Lighthouse at the southern tip of the island. Years ago when we lived in the area, we used to take our boat here and go swimming off the boat as well as explore the island. Our son loved look for horse shoe crabs along the beach.

Point Judith Lighthouse at the most southern tip of Rhode Island.

The Watch Hill RI Lighthouse. The water was a bit rough in the passage into Long Island Sound so the picture is a little blurry.

A very attractive light house a mile east of the entrance to the Mystic River. (
Latimer Reef Light north of Fisher Island).There was a lot of traffic in the river, sail boats, power boats,
kayaks since it was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and the air was so clear you could see for miles.
We will be staying at Mystic for a couple of days. We are having a problem with our alternator that produces the power to charge our batteries and the mechanic is working on it as we write this blog entry. Our plan is also to visit Mystic Sea Port which is a recreation of the village and boat building facilities of the 1800's that was originally here.
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