Dutch Island Harbor, Narragansett Bay, RI 11 August 2007
We spent yesterday at Fogland Point in the Sakonnet River waiting out an all day rain storm. We we got up this morning is was beautiful, clear, sunny, and low humidity. We passed through Tiverton, RI to pick up fuel and then headed down the west side of Narragansett Bay to a favorite anchorage of ours at Dutch Island. This is right at the mouth of the West Passage and during World War II there were defense installations in all of the entrances to the Bay. If you go on Dutch Island you can still see evidence of these. During the War all of the entrances to the Bay were blocked with submarine nets. A good friend of ours lived on Jamestown Island in the center of the the two major entrances and her father was the colonial responsible of the defense of the Bay. German submarines were frequently spotted along the coast and occasionally sank allied shipping along the East Coast. The picture above is our neighbor for the night. The land in the background is Dutch Island.
Tomorrow we are headed to Mystic Connecticut to spent a day seeing the historical Mystic Seaport. On Tuesday our plan is to head south to Cape May New Jersey to get there mid week weather permitting.
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