Rockland, ME 22 July 2007
The Maine hills are appearing. Some of these top 1000 feet and will get larger when we reach Mt. Desert Island in a few days.
We spent the day exploring the town and saw two great museums. One devoted to light houses and their history ( and the other the Farnsworth Art Museum ( and Wyeth Center devoted to many Maine traditional and current artists. The primary focus of course was Andrew Wyeth. An incredible exhibit.
We are continuing to move east tomorrow and heading to Castine up East Penobscot Bays. We will work our way down Eggemoggin Reach north of Deer Island to Jerico and Blue Hill Bays and then to the south end of Mt Desert (pronounced Dessert) Island to a small bay called Great Harbor. We plan on visiting Somes Sound which is the only fiord on the East Coast of the United States. Our travels should being us there by this coming weekend.
I just want to tell you how much I love your travelogue and the pictures. You bring your adventure to life. And it is nice of you both to "share the view". I am envious of all the visits to the museums.
9:45 AM, July 23, 2007
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