Provincetown, MA to Fogland Point, RI 9 August 2007
Sunset last night in Provincetown with the grey overcast skies clearing and the wind calming down. We left Provincetown, Cape Cod this morning at 6 a.m. and arrived in Sakonnet River, a few miles from Newport, Rhode Island at 4:30 p.m. We had the current with us all the way through Cape Cod Bay and it was clipping us along through the canal at 10-11 knots!
There are walking/biking pathways on either side of the canal and even on a week-day we saw many people biking, running, walking etc along the way.
This ship was docked alongside the academy. The red life rafts are suspended over the deck.
We had blue skies and wispy clouds this afternoon, but rain is predicted for tomorrow.

One of the many beautiful homes along the banks of the Cape Cod Canal.
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