Nantucket Whaling Museum

One of the working boats launched from the whaling ships to hunt and harpoon the whales.

An example of scrimshaw in an exhibit at the whaling museum

View of the main harbor looking east from the top of the museum.

The skeleton of a whale that beached itself on the Island a few years ago.

The Congregational Church. We climbed the steple to get a good view of the town.

Local home on Main Street. This neighborhood was occupied by whale ship owners and merchants. Note the cobble stone street that has been preserved in this part of town.

What owning a few whaling ships would buy you in the early 1800's. This owner built a similiar home next door for his sister as a wedding gift. Very lovely inside.

The oldest working windmill in the United States. It was and is used to grind corn.

View north from the top of the Congregational Church steple.

Early morning in Nantucket Harbor with the endless fog.

Some local summer cottages in one of the beach areas. This is very typical. Everyone generally has beautiful perenial flower gardens around their homes and businesses.

Another cottage by the beach.
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