July 7, 2009 Sandy Hook, N. J.
We had a 48 hour run from the Chesapeake to Sandy Hook, N.J. We are anchored at Atlantic Highlands with several other boats. We had good winds for sailing so we sailed all the way except for the last 8 hours when the wind shifted to the north with choppy seas we turned on the engine to finish the Jersey coast and round Sandy Hook. On the night of the 4th we were treated to fire work displays along the coastline. At 8 A.M. when we arrived at Sandy Hook there were many boats anchored here but by the evening many had left. One of the boats at anchor had a French Flag and we watched Home Land Security boat check them out. We will be at Atlantic Highlands for a few days. I've included some of the pictures we took while we were in Washington, D.C.
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