We are still by Boothbay in a quiet anchorage. We have been waiting for a cold front to go through before proceeding east. This weather system is taking forever to come. Looks like it will arrive tonight and move on tomorrow. We have been rowing to shore and seeing everything there is to see in Boothbay. Had a great visit at the local historical society yesterday afternoon and met Commander (USCG ret.) Bill Wilson who had many stories to tell us about his years in the Coast Guard as well as with replicas of sailing ships that he has be involved with at Colonial Williamsburg. As we walk around town we have had a number of conversations with various folks. Very friendly town! In the picture you can see Jabberwocky at anchor in Lobster Cove.

This is from our weather fax receiver and is the forecast for the next 36 hours. This from Halifax, NS station CFH Environment Canada. The low and the cold front we are waiting for is on the left side of the map. These maps are received automatically and then we down load the maps we want to our laptop.
Our broadband internet connection has been poor from the boat so we have not been able to update the blog for a couple of days.

This trolley is the local transportation around town. All you have to do is tip the driver. The trolley is sponsored by the Rocktide Inn.

This is the town's Catholic church, Our Lady Queen of Peace, that dominates the harbor. The church bell rings the time on the hour and half by sounding ship's bell rings consistent with 4 hour watch keeping starting at 12, 4 and then 8. The pattern is: one bell at 12:30, two bells at 1, three bells at 1:30 and so forth with eight bells a 4 and the sequence repeats.

This memorial overlooking the harbor is to the seamen and watermen from Boothbay lost since the town was founded.
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