Another nice day in Boothbay and we are going to gobble down some lobster this evening. Had our fix a problem on the boat adventure this morning when we discovered a leak in a small stainless steel elbow in our cooling system. Went to the local hardware store and could not find anything satisfactory to fix the part and the fellow helping us said you need a welder. Of course we said it was Saturday and we don't have a car. He said don't worry I will take care of you and he called a fellow , set things up and then found a cab for us as well. We headed out into the country side to the welder's place and it turns out that he also is a blacksmith that does a lot of interesting oriental metal work. He fixed our part and the cab driver took us back into town. Really great folks here. Tomorrow we are having our bottom and propeller check by a local diver. Took a number of calls to find someone. We need to have our propeller cleaned and our zincs checked (they prevent damage to our prop and prop shaft). The last time we did this was a couple of days before we left Florida at the end of May. In the cooler northern water the prop doesn't foul as quickly. In Florida we had to have a diver come at least every six weeks an that was probably a bit too infrequent.

A traditional wooden dingy.

These sailing vessels are what the fishermen and lobster men used prior to having mechanical propulsion. Now the tourists enjoy a ride on the harbor in them.

A view of some of the local older hotels on the harbor.

An afternoon harbor view.
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