We came south to get warm and this morning the area had the earliest snow on record and the day time high temperature is 40. We are glad we are in a protected harbor with the storm that is brewing on the ocean. The weather forecasters are calling it a Nor'Easter in the South and they are really excited about it. This was the harbor at daybreak this morning.
The bad weather should move out by Thanksgiving and we should be able to continue on Friday. Our plan is to have a 2 day run to Jacksonville, FL, layover for a day and they have an overnight run to Cape Kennedy, which is our destination.

This sign freeked us out when we saw it. We didn't think alligators lived this far north, but apparently they do. We continue to need to wear multiple layers of clothing-Joyce has her winter jacket and sweatsuit on-we thought we would be escaping the cold-but it is 38-40 degrees with wind chills reducing the temperture further.

This is the main street of Georgetown. The clock tower is on a building built in the early 1800's that is now a Museum. The old section of town has some incredible homes that were built in the 1700's and 1800's and it has been fun walking around these areas.
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