Sunday, November 12, 2006
In Belhaven, NC and have lost track of time and Internet access in this area. We are about 80 miles north of Beaufort, NC and plan to be there tomorrow. Fortunately the marina we are at has wireless access as GSM for my laptop and the cell phone are not available here. It is strange to not have phone access. We are staying here for the day as a cold front is coming through and these various rivers and sounds get stirred up a bit in the weather.

Fall continues to follow us south.

This is typical of the scenery along the banks of the canals connecting the various rivers and sounds in this area. This was along the Alligator and Pungo River Canal.
I know the Alligator river, it runs into the Albamarle Sound near my Aunt Jo's.
10:14 AM, November 17, 2006
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