Monday, November 20, 2006
We are currently at dock in Georgetown, S.C. on the Winyah River , south of Cape Fear. We hoped to make Charleston, SC , 60 miles south, but we did not want to enter Charleston in the dark and this was the safest harbor to approach from the sea. This was a 28 hour run. We left Beaufort, N.C at 7 a.m. on Saturday the 18th and arrived here at 11 a.m. Sunday the 19th. It was a beautiful run with 10-15 knot winds and the night time sky was full of stars including a meteor shower. On our entrance to the harbor we were greeted with the sight of many dolphins diving for food as they appeared to be following commercial fishing boats trawling their nets off the harbor inlet. Unfortunately we are going to be in Georgetown for a few days. There is a coastal storm (a southeaster) which will bring stiff winds (50-60 knots) on the coast which is part of a slow moving low system. So we will see if we can make a nautical Thanksgiving dinner in our cozy cabin and move out of here on Friday, depending on sea conditions.

We were one of many boats leaving Beaufort on Saturday morning.

Red sails catching the sea breezes.

Georgetown lighthouse on Sunday morning.
Thanks for all the beautiful pictures and informaton you've shared while on your adventure. Take some more pictures of you and your "first mate".
When and where is the final destination? Beth LGH
2:20 PM, November 20, 2006
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