Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Traveled from Fairport, Ohio to Presque Isle (Erie)PA. We left port in a thunderstorm and it rained on and off all day. Very light winds, so we motored close to the Erie shorline. Presque Isle is a large natural harbor which has a state park and several large boat yards . While docking our boat, we went aground in "mud" but we were able to pull the boat off the bottom by reversing the engine, while I was pulling the boat over from dock-side with the help of a sailor docked ahead of us. Later, the dock captain told us "the water is shallow"- a reoccuring autumn problem. The sailor docked ahead of us, has been our sailing companion, off inthe distance, for the past two days so we got a chance to meet at dockside today. The couple is sailing to the Florida Keys so we will probably be "bumping" into eachother for the next few weeks. I believe they will taking the intercoastal waterway once they get into NJ, since we are a larger draft boat we will have to take route out to the Atlantic.

Leaving Fairport, Ohio

Sunrise at Fairport, Ohio. A flock of geese glided past our boat as we were leaving the harbor.

On Monday, we captured the skyline of Cleveland, Ohio about five miles off shore on a rainy afternoon.

I captured Gordon Lee at the computer entering our ship trak "longitude-latitude" position.
You blog is great. All of us at LGH are enjoying following you on your adventure. My husband is particularly interested and has many questions. I would like to say happy trails but that's for horses so I'll just say happy sailing. Joan K.
10:20 AM, October 04, 2006
Is Buffalo where you will move into the New York canal system? Will you exit North of Vermont? How long do you expect it to take to navigate the canal system?
2:23 PM, October 04, 2006
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