Friday, September 22, 2006
Light houses on the route through the Mackinac Straights are clearly identified.

Made it to Mackinaw and under the bridge. This is the most northerly in latitude we get on this trip. The last few hours were heavy duty sailing. As you can see we are approaching the bridge from the west and it was hard to get a good shot with the boat bouncing around.

We saw the occasional freighter. Not a lot of traffic in the Straights.

As we move east in Michigan we may loose cell contact. The next marina east of here is closed and they said we can just tie up when we get there. Folks here think winter is coming.
Bear with us on updates for the next few days.
Just read in the newspaper that the aurora borealis will be beautiful this weekend and visible as far south as Chicago. Maybe the weather will cooperate, and you will see it.
10:36 AM, September 23, 2006
Thanks for letting us know about the aurora, we will be looking for it and let you know.
11:59 AM, September 23, 2006
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