Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Rain and more rain. We were up by 6 am and pushed off at 7:20 but had a short day,not due to rain but rather the wind gusts of over 20 knots which made lock handling tricky. The wind was on our nose and the 3 locks we did today were all 20 foot drops with wind on our nose so keeping the overhanging mast on the foredeck and stern was tricky but well done! Gordon hung on the lines on the dockside while I fended off the overhanging mast between the foredeck and the stern ( running between the two.) What fun! By noon we decided to call it a day as wind gusts were getting stronger and the rain was a steady downpour. Tomorrow will be clear with wind only 10 knots so we hope to make 50 miles with only two small locks- 6 foot drops and a long 30 mile stretch. The early tie-up at Lyons was also the only viable dockage for over 30 miles so our conservative side won out over our wanting to move on. Scenes of the day.

Jabberwocky tied up at the Lyon's town dock. Lock 27 is in the background.

Touch of Fall along the edge of the canal.
Your log and pictures are making me cold. I'll be so much happier when you make it into open waters and get to warmer climates. What an adventure your having.
12:53 PM, October 18, 2006
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