Sunday, October 15, 2006
Delays, delays, delays. We are still tied up on the Erie Canal wall in Albion, NY awaiting for the power to return to the drawbridge in Hulberton, NY. We have been in contact with the bridge master who hopes the power will return between now and Tuesday. The storm did not not hit any towns west of Brockport so we should be able to make progress once the Huberton bridge is working. We have been able to keep the boat warm with our heater and have run our engine an hour a day to keep our refrigerator cold when the town lost power. Fortunately, the town of Albion got its power back last night so we have been able to walk around town and get some fresh groceries and some odds and ends at the hardware store. We have plenty of canned goods but it is nice to get freshly baked bread etc. The six inches of snow has melted but there are downed trees everywhere. Our boat is situated next to the police station and the firestation so we get to see all the emergency power trucks etc stop by the fire station everyday. The power guys told us they have been putting in 18 hour shifts to get the power back on. When not working on projects on the boat, we have been reading, listening to the radio and when we got shore power we were watching TV. We have a battery operated TV but the reception is not great. We also have been checking on the Handley website. They are on a sail around the world voyage which they started last October. Check out their web page They are currently in Tonga, South Pacific and are heading to New Zealand. We met them in Norfolk, VA last October at a Emergency Medical training course designed for world cruisers. Their web page has some great pictures of their voyage including a video of their trip through the Panama Canal. Their web page gives you a real picture of life aboard a round the world cruise and the multicultural network of families that become a community of sailors on a world
voyage. Great reading !

County Court House
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