Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Still at Frankfort, MI. This is like Ground Hog Day the movie!!.
Clouds, Clouds, Clouds

Joyce bundled for the cold.

While at anchor on Monday, even though the sun was out the boat was bouncing around on the anchor and the wind was howling across the harbor. At five in the evening the cold front started coming across the harbor which is reflected in the above cloud picture. All night long the wind was howling and it was difficult for me to sleep until I settled in the back cabin away from the shrouds clanking on the mast keeping me awake. We were hoping Tuesday morning things would get better, but it was still non-favorable winds. Gordon Lee captured my picture while I was on deck on Tuesday morning, as you can see I was bundle up trying to keep warm. As usual, Gordon Lee is fixing things on the boat, yesterday it was the self steering vane, today the head.
The head decided that it did not want to work right first thing this morning. Sooo, most of the morning was spent trying to disassemble it and rebuild it. Thank goodness for spare parts, which now are not longer spare. The head is critical at the moment as we have been at anchor for the last couple of days an have no access to on shore "facilities".
Speaking of being at anchor, this also requires running the engine twice a day, morning and evening to charge the batteries and cooling down the fridge.
We appreciate the comments from our family and friends.
If you want to see our position then go to : shiptrak.org and enter radio call sign KB9RPI.
Do you know the term "thunder bucket?" One or two might be a handy addition to the boat.
6:02 PM, September 19, 2006
Sept. 19 - Talk Like a Pirate Day. Fitting for you and your vessel. Keep up the journal. Looks good so far.
7:32 PM, September 19, 2006
Keep this memory of the cold and wind for future reference when you're basking in the warmth of the Gulf or Virgin Island when the rest of us are braving the frozen tundra of winter.
11:51 AM, September 20, 2006
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