Sunday, September 17, 2006
Made Frankfort, MI after a vigorous 10 hour crossing of Lake Michigan with 3 to 5 foot seas and average wind speed of 20 kts from the south. Jabberwocky likes the wind. Not much traffic while crossing the lake, but we did encounter one medium sized freighter late afternoon and as we entered the port of Frankfort there were many small fishing boats trawling for "the last big fish" of the season.
We are presently at anchor over loooking the quaint town of Frankfort.
We are presently at anchor over loooking the quaint town of Frankfort.

We had hoped to go on to Charlevoix, MI today but weather forcast was severe thunderstorms and following seas so we will be laying over here for a day for the wind to ease and shift to the west.
Glad to see you had time to put some entries into your log, Keep it up! We enjoy following your progress. Wish we were there.
4:32 PM, September 17, 2006
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