We spent the day visiting the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory touring the facility with a very informative and friendly docent who was formerly a high school biology teacher in Massachusetts. The lab is associated with the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and is involved in estuary ecology and marine research. The center of town has a boardwalk along the
Patuxent River with restaurants, gift shops and a play area for children. Captain Gordon is waving hello next to the "Cone Island" custard stand on the boardwalk.

There are beautiful homes along the river and all of them have their own private boat slip. The bridge in the background leads across the river to The
Patuxent River Naval Air Center which is involved in "testing new airplanes".

Almost every day you can see the planes flying out of the Naval Research Test Center. While we were on the Boardwalk we took a few pictures of the airplanes flying overhead.
We will be here for a couple of months. Gordon is going to do some consulting. The boat has to have major work done on the transmission as it has been leaking for two months now. The boat yard will have to actually remove the engine to get to the transmission and then send the transmission off to be rebuilt. We are also upgrading the
refrigeration system as well.
It looks like a beautiful place to stay for a couple months. We are all envious.
9:28 AM, September 14, 2007
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